Social WEB

Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Download MySQL


MySQL is a well-known relational database manager used in a wide variety of systems, including Twitter, Wikipedia, Facebook, Google, Wordpress, and countless more websites and other applications. Offering a wide range of features and highly scalable performance, MySQL is a good choice for any situation requiring a database.

  • Cross-platform support.
  • Stored procedures, allowing you to centralize SQL calls.
  • Triggers, allowing automatic responses to different actions.
  • Cursors, allowing easy traversal over database records.
  • True Varchar support.
  • X/Open XA distributed transaction processing support (with two phase commit as a part) using Oracles InnoDB engine.
  • Independent storage engines.
  • SSL support.
  • Query caching.
  • Sub SELECTS.
  • Replication support with one master per slave, many slaves per master. No automatic support for multiple masters per slave.
  • Full text indexing and searching with MyISAM engine.
  • Embedded database library.
  • Partial Unicode support.
  • ACID compliance when using transaction capable storage engines.
  • Partitioned tables with pruning of partitions in optimizer.
  • Shared-nothing clustering through MySQL Cluster.
  • Hot backup under certain conditions.
  • Multiple storage engines, allowing developers to choose one that is most effective for each table in the application.
  • Commit grouping, gathering multiple transactions together to increase the number of transactions per second.
Link :
1. MySQL

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